Friday, July 22, 2005

Quaker History/Religious Faith/Nixon, Richard

On this date in The Sun

San Bernardino Sun/San Bernadino/CA/USA/21-Jul-05

… In 1957, the Sun-Telegram ran a United Press story in which it was reported that Vice President Richard M. Nixon joined evangelist Billy Graham behind a pulpit in Yankee Stadium to appeal for a spiritual awakening in America and the rest of the world.

Nixon, a Quaker, flew in from Washington, D.C., for what was to have been Graham's final sermon of the New York Crusade for Christ. The rally, however, quickly turned into a rally celebrating a second extension of Graham's crusade.

Shortly after Graham opened his evangelical campaign to "save" New York two months earlier, Nixon disclosed that he would attend one of the meetings.

Nixon joined Graham on a platform in the center of the famed stadium's baseball diamond as more than 85,000 people looked on. As large as the crowd was, Graham had seen bigger. He attracted nearly 120,000 people at a revival in London in May 1954.

Millions of others had heard or seen his services on television and radio, and his headquarters reported that they were receiving 10,000 letters a day.

Graham devoted his New York sermon to appeal for prayers for the crusade to "light a religious fire and sweep the nation."

Graham said, "Many ministers are reporting that their Sunday services resemble Easter service in attendance and in spirit," adding, "For all this we rejoice and give the glory and credit to God.

"Don't give any credit to Billy Graham, I can take no credit. It is

God's doing." ...


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