Religious Faith / Diversity - period ended 1.15.2007
Religious Faith/Prayer/Peace Testimony/New Garden Friends Meeting/Quakers mark New Year by praying for peace/Yes! Weekly/Raleigh/NC/USA/2-Jan-07//Peace is one of the major Quaker testimonies, and commitment to it has defined the historically pacifist society since its founding in the 17th century. ...
Religious Faith/Prayer/Feminist/Welch, Anne/Faces of prayer/Asheville Citizen-Times/Asheville/NC/USA/5-Jan-07//“The writer Anne LaMotte said the most authentic prayers she’s ever heard are, ‘Lord, help me,’ and ‘Thank you, Lord,’” said Anne Welch, a Quaker and member of the board of directors of Holy Ground, a feminist retreat ministry. “It’s daily gratitude and deep appreciation for everything … and on the other end, you’re naked and humble before God, and there’s nothing left for you to do but pray.” ...
Religious Faith/Politics and Economics/Quaker Schools/Earlham College/Democrats seeking God pros/GetReligion/Washington/DC/USA/1-Jan-07//She joined an evangelical Bible study group at Earlham College, a Quaker campus in Richmond, Ind., and says she was born again one day while singing the ...
Religious Faith/Church-State/Slavery/Universal Emancipation/Ellison misses point by using Jefferson's Quran/ Louis/MO/USA/14-Jan-07//William Lloyd Garrison, who would become the most prominent voice of American abolitionists, visited the UK in 1833, became involved in the anti-slavery movement there, and brought home their passion.
Garrison's first vehicle for publishing his anti-slavery views was the Quaker Genius of Universal Emancipation. The Quaker influence on the abolition of slavery in England was matched by the Quaker influence in America. They were abetted by Baptist and Free Methodists who also believed the Bible condemned the practice of owning another human being. ...
Religious Faith/Church-State/Politics and Economics/Legislature begins session with prayer/The Herald-Times/Indianapolis/IN/USA/10-Jan-07/AP/The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed the lawsuit in 2005 on behalf of four people, including a Quaker lobbyist, who said they found the ...
South Bend Tribune/South Bend/IN/USA
Fort Wayne News Sentinel/Fort Wayne/IN/USA
Religious Faith/Church-State/Dogma//Swearing in With the Koran Ignites Ignorant Response/Gilroy Dispatch/Gilroy/CA/USA/10-Jan-07//... Every religion has faith and faith alone to support its claims. Muslims - whether Sunni or Shiite - believe that their path to a happy eternity is the right one just as fervently as Christians - whether Catholic or Quaker. Thanks to the Establishment Clause, the state cannot say one faith is "right" and all of the others are "wrong."...
Religious Faith/Abortion/Northridge Friends Church/Staley, Ben/Local churches neutral on abortion protest/The Wichita Eagle/Witchita/KS/USA/12-Jan-07//The Rev. Ben Staley, pastor of Northridge Friends Church, said he regularly encourages people to make their concerns known about abortion. It's something he'll do again this month, but not because of the Operation Rescue protest.
"We just encourage our people to consider how the Lord will lead them to support the unborn child," he said.. .
Religious Diversity/Politics and Economics//TOMMY STEVENSON: Religion is not a hindrance in holding office/Tuscaloosa News/Tuscaloosa/AL/USA/14-Jan-07//And for good measure there are lone Unitarians in the House and Senate and a single Quaker in the House. Which should mean for even bigots like Goode that ...
Quaker Schools/Wilmington College/Civil Rights/Fall Creek Friends Church/Latimer keynote speaker at WC Martin Luther King Jr. tribute/Wilmington News Journal/Wilmington/OH/USA/12-Jan-07//H. Scott Latimer of Fall Creek Friends Church in Hillsboro. Latimer, Fall Creek Friends' pastor since 2004, earned a pre-seminary bachelor of arts degree ...
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