Sunday, February 04, 2007

Business - period ended 2.1.2007

Business/Quaker History/Slavery/Barclay, David/Black leaders erupt over Barclays' sports deal/Independent/London/England/USA/1-Feb-07//He added the allegations appeared to have originated in a 1944 book, Capitalism and Slavery, which said the bank was founded by the Quaker slave traders ...

Business/Quaker History/Abolition/Barclay, David/Barclays Arena Deal Raises a Reputed Link to Slavery/New York Times/New York/NY/USA/2-Feb-07//… “Indeed, David Barclay, who was a partner in one of the primary Quaker banks in the 1770s that eventually merged to form Barclays, was opposed to slavery,” Mr. Truell added.

In an 1801 book entitled “An Account of the Emancipation of the Slaves of Unity Valley Pen, in Jamaica,” David Barclay wrote, “Having been a slave owner, and much dissatisfied in being so, I determined to try the experiment of liberating my slaves; firmly convinced, that the retaining my fellow creatures in bondage was not only irreconcileable with the precepts of Christianity, but subversive of the rights of human nature.” ….


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