Sunday, February 04, 2007

Meetinghouse - period ended 2.1.2007

Meetinghouse/Serenity///OMC Recommends: Stuff we like right now/ Child Development Center -- My youngest son, Levi, attends Waldorf-inspired LifeWays two mornings a week and I could not be happier with it. It's inside the scenic and serene Quaker Meeting House, located on the bank of the Milwaukee River in Riverwest. I love the Waldorf philosophies that have my son gardening, pretending, baking, making art and going on nature walks in any weather as long as it's at least one degree. All of the toys at LifeWays are made from wood or cloth, and overall, the environment is very simple, peaceful and back-to-basics.-- Molly Snyder Edler. ...

Meetinghouse/Porto Antonio Friends Church/Earthquake Drills to be Conducted at Schools in Portland/Jamaica Information Service/Kingston/Jamaica/Caribbean/16-Jan-07//... don't wait, be ready for the next earthquake' and activities got underway yesterday with special service at the Port Antonio Friends Church. ...


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