Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment/Conflict Resolution//Legal woes not over for convicted killer/DesMoinesRegister.com/Des Moines/IA/USA/1-May-07/In Milo, Pastor Keith Smith of the Motor Friends Church, who supported Lyon and family members throughout both trials, said the most recent decision was a blow to the family.

"We'd interpret this as a defeat," he said. "This wasn't what we were expecting."

As in 2003, he said, the community will band together - not for wounds that had reopened, but for wounds that "hadn't healed yet."

"We're going to move on," he said. "We've dealt with it. Everybody understands, I guess. I would say tomorrow's another day. There's going to be new challenges, new things."...

See the background on this story.


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