Integrity/Arts///Ex-museum director faces sentencing/Cape Cod Times/Barnstable/MA/USA/30-Oct-07/….By then, his health had deteriorated along with his Quaker morality, Carter wrote.. He has glaucoma, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes and chronic back pain, among other maladies. He had triple bypass surgery after a 2003 heart attack.
"In retrospect, I am sure the health issues have much to do with my general loathing of myself for my actions," he wrote. He also blamed stress. ….
Arts/Literature/Quaker History/Penn, William/Potter books cover more than religion/Los Angeles Daily News/Los Angeles/CA/USA/18-Oct-07/… Was Rowling aware of the Catholic League's protest of Philip Pullman's "The Golden Compass"? Did she have any thoughts about how that mirrored her own experience with religious groups?
Why did she start "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" with a passage from American Quaker William Penn's "More Fruits of Solitude"? ….
Arts/Animals/Quaker History/Hicks, Edward/San Pedro animal shelter/Daily Breeze/San Pedro/CA/USA/29-Oct-07/Working off of photographs of pets that were submitted to her, the artist used "The Peaceable Kingdom" and "Noah's Ark" (by Quaker preacher and painter ...
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