Sunday, October 21, 2007

Natural Science - period ended 11.1.2007

Natural Science/Commune/Ramberg, Edward/Quaker Schools/A unique life shapes a unique outlook/Salt Lake Tribune/Salt Lake City/UT/USA/9-Oct-07/….Mother and son settled in a commune near Philadelphia that Edward Ramberg, a Quaker and talented physicist who developed the first lens for the electron microscope, helped start. Lucy Ramberg was psychologically devastated as a result of her years at Dachau, and Capecchi's care fell to his aunt and uncle.
''I was given few material goods but every opportunity to develop my mind and soul,'' Capecchi said in 1996.
At his Quaker high school, Capecchi was a ''not-serious student.'' He loved sports and played football, soccer, baseball and was ''particularly proficient at wrestling.''
Capecchi went on to Antioch College, where he has said he found ''great pleasure in the simplicity and elegance of mathematics and classical physics.''
Antioch required students to spend every other quarter working. Capecchi's first assignment was teaching sixth-graders at a public high school in Long Beach, Calif. As time went on, he spent those quarters in scientific work; a stint at MIT introduced him to molecular biology. ...

Natural Science/Commune/Quaker Schools/George School/Ties to the Prize/Philadelphia Inquirer/Philadelphia/PA/USA/9-Oct-07/"It juxtaposed two opposites," the soft-spoken molecular biologist said yesterday by phone from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, where he is a professor of genetics. "Initially, I led an asocial life. Then I joined a community started by the Quakers that was more like a commune. It was very social, and everybody knew everything about everybody. It was a terrific place to grow up.

Natural Science/Botany/Morris, Albert/Powerhouse Museum Presents 'Greening The Silver City'/HULIQ//NC/USA/6-Oct-07/Albert Morris, the Quaker and self taught amateur botanist developed a passionate interest in plants from a young age and founded the Barrier Field ...

Natural Science/Quaker History//Big Changes in our Worldview / Grandes cambios en la visión del mundo/El País/Andalusia/Spain/E.U./5-Oct-07/ Darwin era un señorito inglés. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Jwarizmi (del cero al infinitésimo) era un árabe elegante y generoso. Alfred Lothar Wegener (la tectónica de placas) era tan valiente y desprendido que murió tratando de llevar comida a sus compañeros. John Dalton (los átomos) era un cuáquero insoportable... Cada uno refleja a la propia humanidad. Lo que sí hicieron todos fue trabajar mucho y amar a la ciencia por encima de muchas cosas", explica Lozano Leyva....Darwin was a childish Englishman. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Jwarizmi (from zero to infinitesimal ) was an elegant and generous Arab . Lothar Alfred Wegener (plate tectonics) was courageous and detached. John Dalton (atoms) was an unbearable Quaker ... Each reflected humanity itself. What each did was all work hard and think of themselves first as scientists, "says Lozano Leyva.......


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