Sunday, October 21, 2007

Politics and Economics

Immigration/Friend, Rex//Pledge of resistance' to be presented to Gov. Henry/ City/OK/USA/25-Oct-07/Lance Schmitz, minister of social justice at Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene, and Rex Friend, a Quaker leader and immigration law attorney. ...

Politics and Economics/Quaker History//Obama's diverse forebears a common ancestor with George Bush/Boston Globe/Boston/MA/USA/7-Oct-07/… Free Plug, I: Here is an interesting news hook. Last month, the Chicago Sun-Times claimed to have found among Senator Barack Obama's diverse forebears a common ancestor with George Bush.

Another of Obama's curious ancestors features in a new book "The Naked Quaker: True Crimes and Controversies From the Courts of Colonial New England," by Diane Rapaport of Lexington. Obama's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Jonathan Singletary, a 17th-century Plymouth resident also known as Jonathan Dunham, was something of a wildcat. Probably a freelance Quaker or Baptist minister, he showed up in 1683 court records for "drawing away another mans wife . . . against her husband's consent." With yet another woman in tow, he burned down another man's house, killed his dog, and nearly killed his children. The Plymouth authorities whipped him and then banished him to New Jersey, where I suppose, then and now, this kind of conduct isn't necessarily frowned upon.….

Politics and Economics/Quaker House/Fager, Chuck/‘Leftist’ columnists don’t lean far/ Fager is director of the Quaker House in Fayetteville


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