Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quaker History - period ended 11.1.2007

Quaker History/Jury/Penn, William//When Pennsylvania Was the Earthly Paradise/American Heritage/New York/NY/USA/29-Oct-07/“My prison shall be my grave before I will budge a jot; for I owe my conscience to no mortal man.” Freed at the king’s behest, he continued to preach the Quaker faith. He was tried and acquitted in a landmark case that established the independence of English juries. ...

Quaker History/Tolerance/Boone, Daniel/Daniel Boone was a man. Yes, a big man./Washington Post/Washington/DC/USA/12-Oct-07/Like Washington, like Lincoln later, Boone inspired the craving for an ideal self, with Quaker tolerance for others, reliant and integrious, ...

Quaker History/Religious Faith/Puritans/Nudity/The Hampton Historical Society presents/Hampton Union/Hampton/NH/USA/10-Oct-07/The Hampton Historical Society presents Dianne Rapaport at its annual meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. Rapaport will do a presentation from her new book: The Naked Quaker: True Crimes and Controversies from the Courts of Colonial New England. The story involves a 17th-century Quaker woman from Hampton, who showed her contempt for Puritan authorities by taking her clothes off during church. The meeting and speaker are free. Call Betty Moore at 926-2543.

Quaker History/Quaker Schools/Applied Knowledge/Cornell, Ezra/Ezra Cornell's legacy provides theme for trustee meetings/Cornell Chronicle/Ithaca/NY/USA/18-Oct-07/Quaker-born Ezra Cornell, a curmudgeonly pacifist, might well approve of study with the potential to reduce conflict. "This is a very exciting time to be ...

Quaker History/Quaker Schools/Applied Knowledge/Cornell, Ezra/The Man Behind the University/Cornell University/Ithaca/NY/USA/11-Oct-07/…It is hard to miss the bronze statue immortalizing Ezra Cornell that stands across from Goldwin Smith Hall in the Arts Quad. Daily, hundreds of students pass by the numerous tributes to Ezra Cornell spread around the campus. This year marks his 200th birthday, yet many students here know little about Ezra Cornell. Who was he? Why is Cornell named after him?

He was born on January 11, 1807 in Westchester New York; Ezra Cornell would later found Cornell University. The oldest of eleven children, Ezra Cornell only attended school for three months a year, in order to help with his father’s pottery business. Cornell developed an interest in carpentry as a teenager and traveled considerably as a carpenter. He was charmed by Ithaca and Cayuga Lake and moved to Ithaca permanently in 1828.

Cornell, who was a Quaker, married Mary Ann Wood, an Episcopalian, in 1831 and was promptly excommunicated from the Society of Friends. He worked as a carpenter, a farmer, and a mechanic before he began stringing telephone lines. Cornell founded Western Union Telegraph Company with Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code. It was with this company that Cornell accrued his initial wealth. ….

Quaker History/Non-competitiveness/Stubbornness/El guardia/ABC Madrid/Madrid/Spain/E.U./6-Oct-07/... teniendo dos caballos ganadores como Rato y Gallardón, prefiere hacer la carrera, y perderla, en mula cuáquera, entendiendo por mula cuáquera a todos …..prefer to enter the race and lose, like a Quaker mule, like a stubborn Quaker

Quaker History/Natural Science/Gardening/Glorious gardens/Wilmington Morning Star/Wilmington/NC/USA/14-Oct-07/Glendurgan's history is all about the Foxes, a well-known Quaker family who built their first residence at the top of the valley in 1826 and whose ...

Quaker History/Natural Science/Astronomy/Miller, John Fletcher/In memory of the starman/News & Star/London/England/UK/18-Oct-07/The son of a well-to-do Quaker family he was the first to record rainfall in the Lake District and his research on meteorology and astronomy is ...

Quaker History/Abolition/Suffrage/Farmington Meetinghouse/Kuhl seeks to preserve Farmington meetinghouse/Elmira Star-Gazette/Elmira/NY/USA/11-Oct-07/John R. Kuhl Jr., R-Hammondsport, introduced legislation to request that the National Park Service consider the 1816 Farmington Quaker Meetinghouse as a ...

Quaker History///Who lived here? House sleuths find clues/…Scigo learned the name of her house's original owner -- Ross Hammond -- from a printout the Fremont deed office gave her listing all transactions related to the property.

A Google search revealed Hammond was the editor of the town paper, which his family owned.

Scigo then went to the historical society. The lives of prominent citizens are more likely to be chronicled in newspapers, but even short obituaries and marriage notices can offer insights. She learned that Hammond was raised a Quaker, married in 1885, had four children, and was active in civic organizations and politics.….

Quaker Earthcare Witness/Woolman, John/Swennerfelt, Ruah/Cox, Louis/Couple to take six-month spiritual journey/ an 18th-century Quaker, walked from meeting to meeting to express his concern about the spiritual health of the Religious Society of Friends. ...


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