Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quaker Schools - period ended 11.1.2007

Quaker Schools/Arts/Theater/War/ Youth give modern twist to 'Lysistrata'/New York Daily News/New York/NY/USA/9-Oct-07/…When the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes wanted to write a comedy about the not-so-funny subject of war, he wrote "Lysistrata," in which women threaten to withhold sex to prevent their husbands from going to war.

When Philip Suraci, who directs theater at Friends Seminary, the two-century-old Quaker school on Stuyvesant Square, wanted to dramatize young people's concern about the war, he decided to update "Lysistrata." …. Last year he and his students improvised "Lysistrata's Children," in which children withhold affection from their parents to force them to take some action.

Suraci had the kids brainstorm to create the script.

"What's the one thing our parents want from us?" one of the kids asks.

"To shut up," one suggests.

"To change the kitty litter," says another.

Eventually, they concoct a plan to cold-shoulder their parents.

Agriculture/Farming/Quaker Schools/Scattergood Friends School/Farming goes uptown as prep schools add/High Plains Journal/Muscatine/IA/USA/15-Oct-07/At Scattergood Friends School, a Quaker boarding school in West Branch, Iowa, students have been required to spend several hours a week on farm chores since ...

Quaker Schools/Sex ///
Sex, according to Isabel Allende / El sexo, según Isabel Allende/El Nuevo Diario/Santo Domingo/Dominican Republic/Carribbean/4-Oct-07/En 1956 mi familia se había trasladado al Líbano y yo había vuelto a un colegio de señoritas, esta vez a una escuela inglesa cuáquera, donde el sexo…. In 1956, my family had moved to Lebanon and I had become a college ladies, this time to an English Quaker school, where sex simply did not exist, had been removed from the universe by the British phlegm and the zeal of preachers. ...


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