The AFSC's change in description from 2005 - 2010
AFSC is a Quaker organization devoted to service, development, and peace programs throughout the world. Our work is based on the belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
From the link from the May 2010 homepage (full description):
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Our work is based on the principles of the Religious Society of Friends, the belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
From 2007 Press Releases on
The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
From the 2005 Website:
The American Friends Service Committee is a practical expression of the faith of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Committed to the principles of nonviolence and justice, it seeks in its work and witness to draw on the transforming power of love, human and divine.
AFSC Employees in a meeting the QiN Editor attended in October 2005 declined to consider the word 'Integrity' instead of 'Justice', in the self-description of AFSC. Integrity was suggested to convey day-to-day right action of everyday people, versus, 'justice', which conveys something lofty and never really achievable - pursued in the courts by lawyers and other elite.
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